Monday, June 18, 2012

Little Joys ♡

Just a quick post.
Got this from a donki shop. Panda note clip♪
Can you blame me? I love everything panda down to the smallest things (except for stuff toys/plushies coz I only love my Gothic lolita 『ゴスロリ』 hello kitty my husband gave me♡ )
And isn't this lovely?
It's a little tri-butterfly ring souvenir I found lying around somewhere. Lol! No :D
And I'm feeling sick again so that's it for now.
Bye! ミ(o*・ω・)ノ♡

Saturday, June 9, 2012

☆Decoden Project and more Pandas!☆

Hello girls♡  Long time no post.
Well, the reason for my absence is that I've been terribly sick for the last month and also, I need inspiration to blog! Lol.
So I'm here to post about my new or should I say first decoden project! Yay :)
I've actually done decoden before but that was when I was still young so this time, I took it to a whole new level with my Blackberry phone. Since BB phones are black, I find it kinda boring and it's back cover always gets scratches so I thought it would be best to deco it and make it look.. well... less boring :)

(sorry for the filter, I took these photos from my instagram)

So here I have bought some decoden supplies. I especially chose pink and almost anything light pink coz I don't like pastel colors.

And here's the finished product! Well, I was still thinking of adding some gems at the side but that can wait :)
So watcha think? Will it pass? :)
I'm also coming up with some more decoden projects. So watch out for those :)

I also met up with my bestfriend yesterday and look at all the cute panda stuffs she gave me! I am one happy panda collector :D

Til here loves! Jyane! ( *`ω´)